JavaScript / Jquery / HTML5 / CSS

Responsive Highchart

Highcharts is a very good option for creating Interactive javascript charts for your webpage. Highstock is an another advanced option of highstock. Highcharts currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange, bubble, box plot, error bars, funnel, waterfall and polar chart types...

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Integration of CK-Editor to UI

Here I am going to explain how to integrate CK-Editor to UI , set the data to editor and how to remove some controls from CK-Editor. Minimum files required to integrate CK-Editor are CK-Editor.js, config.js, lang, plugins ( you can remove or add the plugin for your choice .For example smiley, special character, table etc.), skins, style.js ...

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Dynamic height for side bar

We can achieve this by using simple jQuery or plain css. ...

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Save google map as binary image

There are some situations we have to save google map as image. It is always better to convert as binary image and save to DB so that we can reuse very easily...

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Auto complete using html5.

We can do autocomplete Using jQuery or any other scripting language, but required some line of codes .It is very simple to do autocomplete using HTML5.HTML5 introduced a new tag datalist, this will do the trick.Let us check with a small example...

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Dynamic height for side bar.

We can achieve this by using simple jQuery or plain css...

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Create time series data using JavaScript.

Time series is an array or object which usually contains date and count or date and label or any other combinations. Which will be used to plot time series charts. For example high chart, d3 charts etc. are using time series data....

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Show preview image while uploading

It is very simple to show a preview image......

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Get users browser name | get user ip address

It is always a good thing to collect browser info because depend on that developer can make application more usable for the user. And also we can make our application more compatible with the browser which user is using mostly....

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findIndex issue in IE | find index issue with different browsers

Using findIndex method we can easily find out the index of an element in the array. Let us check the code. ...

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Calculate Epi Week from Date | Convert Epi Week to Date

Here we will be discussing about how to calculate an Epi Week from a given date and also about how to convert Epi Week to a date....

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Get Local time zone using JavaScript

It is very important to handle date as different countries are in different time zone. Let us check how we can get local time zone. Our output will be EST, PDT, and EDT etc depending on your time zone. You can test this by updating your time zone in your system....

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JavaScript regex list

JavaScript regex will help you to do client side validation very easily. In this article I will be sharing various regex examples. Below list contains regex with various conditions....

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Responsive image using HTML-5 srcset and Angular.

In this article I will be discussing about making an image responsive using latest html 5 attributes. We will integrate the same with Angular for better usage...

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