Sunday 2 March 2014

How to use watch concept in Angular js

Watch is a powerful feature of angular js. “$watch” concept in Angular is to observe the changes on the data of the scope from the controller. That is controller can add a listener on an attribute of its scope. Suppose you have to communicate with two different controllers you can use $watch concept. We can explain this with a working example.

Suppose we have a function in Controller 1

Controller 1

angular.module('sampleproject').controller( 'Controller1',
function ($rootScope, $scope ,samplefactoryService )
 $scope.sampleView = function( status )
  $rootScope.sampleStatus = status ;

Status is changing on each click of this function sampleView ( ng-click = “sampleView();”) and we have to execute a function in controller 2 (That is on change of this $ rootScope variable ).

Note: $rootScope is global, we can access anywhere in the same module but $scope can access only in a particular controller.

Controller 2

angular.module('sampleproject').controller( 'Controller2',
function ($rootScope, $scope ,anotherService )
$rootScope.$watch('sampletStatus', function( status )
 if( status )  // onchange of status in controller 1
  if( status == 'your')
   //your logic
  // else if .....

Here Watch will work as a internal trigger .It will identify the changes of status variable in controller 1 and will update the controller 2.

There are many other ways to communicate with different controllers. This is one simple example using $watch concept

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  1. This is only a one method , can use in several ways .

  2. Nice Tutorials thanks

  3. Sorry but you have typos in your code and the example was tricky to get working properly. A little Plunk or Fiddle is always nice.

  4. Very nice, thank you for such a simple example. Something I struggle with many days to understand, work in a charm after reading this one.

  5. i can not execute this code, can u please post full code.
