Monday 31 March 2014

Value is not updating in IE-8 - Angular js

I have faced an issue while using angular service, that is value is not updating in IE-8

On click of add new button I am calling a rest service and displaying the response in a table. It has an edit option in each row , what is happening in IE-8 is that after saving edited data it is still showing the old data .It is working fine in all other browsers .

My code that is not working in IE-8

Most of the time i was not able to get the updated value in IE-8

getUsers: function(data, success, error)
 var url = var url = '/your web service path';;
  .success(function(data, status)
  .error(function(data, status)


Code that worked in all browsers

I have changed this to below code and it started to works in IE-8 also.

getUsers: function(data, success, error)
var url = '/your web service path';

//Added this
var fetch_timestamp = function() { return parseInt
 (new Date().getTime().toString().substring(0, 10))};

// or  
// var currentTime = new Date().getTime();

var timestamp = fetch_timestamp();

url = url + '&t='+timestamp;

 .success(function(data, status)
 .error(function(data, status)


This piece of code fixed my issue.

var url = '/your web service path';

//Added this
var fetch_timestamp = function() { return parseInt
 (new Date().getTime().toString().substring(0, 10))};

// or  
// var currentTime = new Date().getTime();

var timestamp = fetch_timestamp();

url = url + '&t='+timestamp;

But I am not sure this will be the right fix .I thought to share this because it may help to somebody .If you are thinking this is a wrong fix please add a comment or give a referral link.

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